Online Giving

Why we give?

We believe at Victory to Victory Community Church that God wants to take care of our needs and give us enough to share with others. We know that giving changes lives, and allows us to invest in eternity. The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith and love for God and others.

You can partner with us by donating here.

For many people it is so much eaiser to pay their bills on line, at V2V Community Church we have had many requests from many people asking for this facility, this is a very quick and simple process that will save the ministry many hours of valuable time each year.

We appreciate all your contribution because we believe it does matter to God and it helps us reach unsaved people for Christ. Thank you.

By donating here you acknowledge that this is a free will offering. Please note, that V2V Community Church does not operate as a charity.

PayPal & Credit/Debit Cards:


Please, type in your tithe amount.


Other amount

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Donation Total: £1.00 One Time


Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time

First Fruits

Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time

Speaker Honorarium

Please, specify the speaker in the comment field.

Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time

Special Offering

You can add more details to this donation in the comment field.

Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time

Building Fund

Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time


Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time


Please, specify the event in the comment field.

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Donation Total: £50.00 One Time

Bible School

Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time

Food Bank

Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time


Bank transfers:

Victory to Victory Community Church International Ltd.

Account Number:

Sort Code:




Bank Address:
NatWest Bank PLC,
250 Bishopsgate,
London, EC2M 4AA, UK

Victory to Victory Community Church International Ltd.

Metro Bank

Account Number:

Sort Code:

Heart on Hands
Personal Info

Donation Total: £50.00 One Time